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Key Lime Mousse
Serves: 8
level: Moderate
Key Lime Mousse |
Imagine a Key Lime Pie light as a
cloud, tart one moment, sweet the next.
Imagine it has done away with distraction of a crust. What you have is
this Key Lime Mousse! The key lime is in a class all of
its own. Much smaller than regular “Persian” limes, the key lime ranges in size
from a Ping-Pong ball to a golf ball. The peel is thin, smooth and
greenish-yellow when ripe. The flesh is also greenish-yellow, full of seeds, and
divided into 10-12 segments, quite juicy and has a higher acidity than the
regular Persian limes. It is valued for its strong aroma and their tart, sharp
and incredibly sour taste. The green stage is the early stage of ripening and
when the Key Lime’s flavor is strongest.
The yellow stage is a final stage of ripening and the flavor is somewhat
mellowed. One quick note here: You cannot bottle fresh flavor. Packaged Key
lime juice may look easy but it tastes like the shortcut that it is. Generally made from concentrate and treated
for preservation, it lacks punch and often has metallic undertones. Despite
their name, key limes are not exclusive to Florida. In Mexico, the same species
of limes are called Mexican limes. Key limes have often been referred to as the
“bartender’s lime” and they readily complement a whole host of libations.